- Advocacy factsheet– (amended March 2023)
- My End of Life Plan Template – Easy read format
- SEND Acronyms List Document (amended March 2023)
- SEND Terms Explained Simply Document (amended March 2023)
- Signposting Document for Parents and Carers compiled by NHS Dorset Healthcare Trust (July 2021)
BCP Annual SEND Surveys
- SEND Survey 2023- The annual survey by BCP Council closed on 13th December.
In February we thanked everyone who completed the BCP SEND Annual Survey in November 2023 informing them there were 142 responses from parents and carers, which was a lot lower than the 264 who participated the year before.BCP and NHS Dorset worked together to analyse the written comments, and they committed to form a combined action plan based on the survey results by April 2024. The timeline was published on the local offer.PCT parent representatives will continue to engage with this work, but for now, we have created the two charts below from the numerical data.PCT comments:• We are glad that 60% of parents are happy with their child’s school, although we think BCP should aim higher than that. We are concerned that 28% of parents are not happy with their child’s educational setting• We are sad to see that perceptions have got worse (compared to last year) in all but three of the questions on this survey.• We are concerned that only one-quarter of parents ‘feel confident and supported’ and that, despite some improvement compared to last year, still only one-third of parents feel that their child is getting all the support they need.
- SEND Survey 2022-Parent Carers Together co-produced an Annual SEND Survey with BCP Council and other partners. The survey was carried out in November 2022.
PCT is disappointed that it took BCP Council over six months to analyse the survey data, but there is now a published summary of the 2022 survey results.The charts below show PCT’s own summary of the 2022 survey data. The first chart shows all the survey statements ordered so that the ones with the strongest agreement from parents are at the top, and the ones with the strongest disagreement at the bottom. The second chart shows the relative change in the responses since the previous year, ordered so that the statements at the top have shown the most improvement and the statements at the bottom the biggest shift towards ‘disagree’.The survey includes 21 statements, and for each one parents are invited to choose between strongly agree / agree / neither / disagree / strongly disagree. The 2022 survey was completed by 265 parents