Annual Health Checks
Annual Health Checks– In 2008, the introduction of Annual Health Checks for adults with learning disabilities (LD) were introduced in England.
Since April 2014, the Annual Health Checks have been extended to young people from 14 years old, providing their GP to get to know the young people approaching the transition to adult services and to support them, and their families, through the process.
Annual Health Checks are seen as important as those with a learning disability who often experience poorer health than the general population and sadly a shorter life expectancy.
The checks offer a yearly review of the patients mental and physical health. The healthcare professional will ask the person about their lifestyle; what food they eat, whether they drink or smoke (if relevant), and what exercise they do.
During a Annual Health Check, the patient’s weight, height, blood pressure, eyes, ears and urine may all be checked.
The professional will offer information about co-existing long-term conditions i.e. Diabetes or Asthma and screening programmes and identifying any gaps in their immunisation record can be addressed.
Each practice should have a lead GP for learning disabilities, supported by other members of the clinical and administration team. It is the GP’s responsibility to maintain the LD register. It is important your child is enrolled on this learning disability register.
An invitation to the Health Check may include a phone call to a carer or an easy-read invite letter. The individual or their carer can phone the surgery to request an Annual Health Check.
IF their doctor’s surgery does not offer annual health checks, you could:
- Ask if there are any other surgeries in the area that can provide one
- Can they suggest an alternative plan?
- Can you find another doctor’s surgery that does offer one
Find out more about Annual Health Checks including where to find your local GP surgery.