- BCP SEND Local Offer- PfA Decision Making Toolkit
- BCP SEND Local Offer- PfA
- BCP SEND Local Offer- PfA Development Plan
- BCP SEND Local Offer- EHCP Review Process (Annual Review)
- BCP SEND Local Offer- PfA Fact sheet The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Supported Decision Making
- Contact- Preparing for Adultlife Information with advice on benefits post 18, education and work options and independent living.
Virtual Transitions Fair
We have created a Virtual Transitions Fair in partnership with Dorset Careers Hub, Dorset Parent Carer Council, BCP and Dorset Councils.
Inside our virtual exhibition, young people will find a range of information about local support groups and organisations, as well as careers advice & education and employment pathways across Dorset.
It is aimed at young people, aged 14 and above with special educational needs or disability, parents and carers, practitioners and anyone supporting young people as they move to adult life. The Virtual Transitions Fair will continue to be updated!
Access to Work
- Get support in work if you have a disability or health condition (Access to Work) -from gov.uk website
- Department for Work and Pensions ‘Access to Work: Factsheet for Customers’ including information about claiming Access to Work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak