How PCT Represent You

informal meeting with 5 people, mixed genders. text 'parent carers together' in bottom left of image

Do you sometimes think you give your feedback on services and it goes nowhere…. or Parent Carers Together aren’t aware of what’s going on locally…

Please rest ashore, when you give feedback to Parent Carers Together we do something productive with it-whether it be relay the feedback anonymously into the various meetings we participate in or write a report we share with relevant parties-BCP Council or NHS Dorset.

Parents often communicate with us your concerns over services and these are taken on board. 

Below are some examples of when you have told us something and we have used it to influence change to better the lives of BCP children with SEND. 

Safety Valve Proposal– this proposal, out January 2024,  currently being negotiated between the Department of Education and BCP Council has caused quite a few parents and carers some anxiety.

Parent Carers Together have written a statement with our stance on the proposal. 

image of lots of post it notes with feedback on them

Telling us what you think– we asked you in 2023 how you want to feedback to the forum.  Lots of parents stated that more options to provide feedback were needed not just via Facebook.  As well as using Mailchimp as a way to connect with parents and carers, we have been using Padlet. Our three graffiti walls received a huge amount of feedback.  We will continue to use Padlet, as well as other means of gathering your thoughts.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) BCP Parents and Carers want to know– We compiled questions with the help from parents and carers to be included in the proposed SEND FAQ Factsheets to be produced by BCP Council.

In the document, we grouped the questions into 16 themes:

young woman loads of Q. marks drawn over her head
  • Communication 
  • Coproduction 
  • EHC Assessment Process  
  • EHCP Process 
  • EHCP Funding 
  • Panel Process 
  • Appeals, Mediation and Tribunals 
  • Health Referrals and Diagnoses 
  • School Attendance Difficulties 
  • Mental Health 
  • Preparing for Adulthood 
  • School Transport 
  • Short Breaks  
  • Support for home-educating children and parents 
  • Complaint Process 
  • Suggestions for publishing the Factsheets

              The full list of questions can be read by clicking the pink button below. 

hands typing over a keyboard


EHC Needs Assessments: Exploring why schools sometimes suggest that parent requests are preferred

On 19th June 2023 we, Parent Carers Together, lead by steering group member Peter Phillips,  asked our members-

“Do you have any experience of schools/SENCOs suggesting to parents that it isbetter/faster/easier for them to make a parental request for EHC Needs Assessment, rather than a school request?”

This question received quite a bit of feedback parents- 51 comments on a post in PCT private members Facebook group, plus some additional comments via email and messenger.

A report was compiled with the themes and suggestions that emerged from parents’ experiences. All the bullet points are direct quotes from PCT members. 

This short report was sent to relevant managers in BCP SEND team, who told us that they found it very helpful. 

Short BreaksIn May 2023, we asked you through our parent panel sessions what you thought of the Short Breaks service offered by BCP Council. Many of you replied to indicate the current offering is not ‘fit for purpose’. Parent Carers Together have arranged a meeting with the Commissioners of Short Breaks to take this forward.

BCP Short Breaks coloured Logo