- BCP Case Officer Information –The list of BCP EHCP Case Officers and the schools for whom they are the link officer for can be found on the BCP Local Offer website.
Returning or Transitioning to School
- Secondary Schools Transition Document BCP Council have created the document to support Primary to Secondary School Transition.
- Sai Training Team ‘Transition Back to Term Time’ This document explores things to think about during this period of transition including the importance of sleep, morning and evening routines, making time for fun and making time for self care
- Sai Training Team ‘It’s Time to go Back to School’ This document includes some coping activities children may want to try when they are feeling like a Sleepy Sue or a Fired up Frieda.
- A Recorded Webinar by Contact ‘Back to School Top Tips’ (watch via YouTube)- Educational Psychologists Jemma and Scott who shared techniques to help you manage your child’s return to school
- ‘Chapter One- Back to Basics’– a four minute video on YouTube by Dorset Mental Health Support Teams in Schools
- Top Tips to Return to School– compiled in 2020 by members of Parent Carers Together
Exclusion from School
- School Exclusion- A Helpful Guide for Parents, Guardians and Carers – a video by Warwickshire Parent Carer Voice, co-produced with students from University of Warwick and Warwickshire County Council to help families understand the legal processes.
Arranging Education for Children who Cannot Attend School Because of Health Needs
- In December 2023 the Arranging Education for Children who Cannot Attend School Because of Health Needs document published by the Department of Education (DfE)
School Transport
- There is a Home to School Transport app for mainstream pupils and pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It will allow you to track the progress of your application as it is assessed by BCP Council colleagues. You will receive email notifications at key stages of your assessment process.
- For those WITH EHCP-reception class to year 11- BCP SEN Travel Application Form (opens word document)- To apply for transport support to enable your child to get to and from school.
Toilet Ready for Starting School
- The charity ERIC UK have developed helpful, easy-to-follow advice & tips to get your child toilet ready for school.
School Support for Transgender pupil
- Staff training, gender neutral uniforms and putting gender identity on the curriculum can help create a safe environment for your child.
- If you are concerned about a decision that your child’s school is making regarding their gender identity, Mermaids have worked with solicitors to create a template letter you can use to outline your concerns and obtain a full response from the school.
- Single-sex schools and transgender pupils -an article reflecting the law as at November 2017 of not accepting a trans pupil to single sex school.